*The following was written on May 30th 2012*
Another week, another disaster. This time two-pronged. I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried…
Another week, another disaster. This time two-pronged. I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried…
Winedarkers will know that productions always run from Wednesday until
Saturday. L.A. Blues, however, is
only running from Thursday until Saturday. The reason? The venue has another
event on on the Wednesday. This is itself is not a major problem. When we
produced Love in the Time of Social
Networking, we were unable to use the theatre on the eve of the production.
That time, though, we were able to rig our tech beforehand and leave it up.
This time is different.
You see, the
event taking place in the Cobalt Café the day before we open is a wedding. That
means we have to clear everything out on the Tuesday. All set, all lighting
equipment. Everything. I understand why the management are demanding it. My
question is, has anyone asked the bride and groom? I mean, who wouldn’t want a
1940s style cabaret bar set and matching lighting as a part of their wedding
day? Honestly.
So we have a
get-in on the Bank Holiday weekend and a dress rehearsal on the Tuesday night,
before clearing out completely to leave the space empty for the Wednesday and
coming back on the Thursday to start the show. The gap of a day doesn’t bother
me. In fact, I have always been of the opinion that too many run-throughs can
actually spoil a production. Let the cast and crew have a day of rest (yes, director’s
are god-like). If the play still needs work the day before it opens, you’re in
more trouble than one more run-through can fix. No, the problem isn’t the gap.
It is that fact that on the day we open, we have maximum three and a half hours
to completely build and dress the set and rig and focus the lights.
Never have I been involved in a production that has had such a short get-in
time and such a small crew to do it. Freaking out doesn’t cover it. But my team
assure me that it is not only possible but that it is ‘grand’. I hope for all
our sakes it is.
That’s prong
one. Prong two is that out usual lighting operator, the guy who operated the
lights for the last run and who knows the cues, is unavailable for the duration
of our get-in. So we need another new person to get involved. That’s right,
more change! To be frank, I can do it myself and it is looking increasingly
likely that I will have to. But I would really rather not. So if you are a
lighting operator or you know one, please do get in touch with us and come
onboard. I can guarantee that you will have fun. We can be contacted on
086-0591346 or at neonfringe@gmail.com.
Come and join us.
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